Monday, 20 February 2012

CD cover analysis

Adele  - Turning Tables. 

I researched single and album covers of artists that I think convey a similar style to the song I am using for my music video. I looked at this official single cover for Adele’s Turning Tables from her second album ‘21’, as I think it conveys a vulnerability similarly to how I wish to promote the artist for my video.
The cover is a single image of just Adele herself, with the image being taken using direct eye contact and eye level with the camera, which is used to create a connection with the artist and the audience.
The clothing Adele is wearing is a large, purposely oversized woollen cardigan that is wrapped around her neck; this conveys a vulnerability about the artist and suggests the tone of the song, along with the fact that she is not dressed glamorously, which will make the audience able to relate to.
The choice of colouring effect of the cover also suggests that the tone of the song is a low tempo song, as the image itself is tinted black and white, and the text used for the song title and artist name is white and light green, which adds to the simplicity of the cover, also further connoting the tone of the song.
From the album cover it is hard o distinguish who the direct target audience is aimed at, but due to the lack of bold glamour, it would suggest the general target audience is people of a mature age, as opposed to young teenagers, that most pop music is typically aimed at. However, we know that Adele’s music is bought in the masses by younger generations (as the album from which this single came from ‘21’ has sold one copy every 7 seconds since her Brit Awards appearance in 2011) showing she appears to have no specific target audience. 

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